Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tweaks and turnings...

As the new template for this blog becomes more familiar to me, I am comfortable making a few changes. Now it really feels like more of a 'home.'

Just about all changes were made in the navbar. I got rid of the goofy font headers over "Profile" and "Archives" the rest in favor of rectangle lables I put together in photoshop. I found this font with a hand-scripted look that I thought blended nicely with the overall theme of the page.

Then I added a few links I thought were pretty cool, including several new blogs, and I placed a couple pictures and some cover art beneath the Madam Blavatsky. Now, I think it's Miller Time (or rather Bud, since I don't drink camel piss.)

Just a few tweaks and turnings. Will it mean more writing from me? Oh I don't know, but if you like the look, please feel free to come back and see. I think I'll be putting poetry up here sooner or later...
