Thursday, May 04, 2006

From Out of the Blue - Part I

There once was a dragon
- Jah'Draco -who worked in nest care, raising little eagles at a place called Glass Eerie. Jah'Draco wasn't the only avian working with the eaglets; there were quite a few others. Some of them were buzzards, but there were also a few cranes, a few hawks and maybe a condor or two. But Jah'Draco was the only dragon working at the eerie and he was keenly aware of his difference.

In time, the leader of the eaglet's nest moved to a higher perch and a new bird was brought in. Jah'Draco, a senior member of the eerie, was on the tribunal that was tasked with naming the new avian chief. Other birds admired the shiny scales on Jah'Draco and the way he would use his mighty roar, combined with a judicious burst of smoke (Jah'Draco was careful to never use his flames) to keep the little eaglets safe and focused on growing up into big, beautiful eagles.

The tribunal only debated a short time over the selection of the new chief bird. Not nearly as long as they should have, and eventually settled on a rather plump, burly albatross named Jon'Jiggle. Initially, Jon'Jiggle was content to see how the eerie ran itself. (It had the reputation for being the smoothest, safest eerie in all the Hill Mountain range.) However, in time, Jon'Jiggle began to make changes.

The other birds caring for the eaglets were alarmed at those changes, which didn't always seem to be for the good of the nest and Jon'Jiggle was soon a resented bird. The hawks and condors avoided the albatross, but the buzzards stayed near him because they sensed there would soon be feasting. The cranes were silent.

In short time, Jon'Jiggle came to resent Jah'Draco. He told one of the condors that Jah'Draco was derisive toward Jon'Jiggle, but that wasn't true. The dragon merely laughed sometimes when other birds ridiculed the burly albatross. Even the eaglets made fun of the ungainly avain and showed him very little respect.

Jah'Draco was heavily involved with activities not connected to the eerie at all. He had taken to hanging out with Pegasus and the F-14s at Owl joints and had garnered a reputation as leader of the party. Eventually, he complained to Jon'Jiggle that his obligations to the eerie had a negative effect on his time in the Owl joints and he wanted Jon'Jiggle to help Jah'Draco juggle the dragon's schedule to accommodate his extracurricular interests.

But Jon'Jiggle was not-so-secretly envious of Jah'Draco and he thwarted the ambitious dragon at every turn. One day, an anonymous bird (many suspected it was Jon'Jiggle himself) made an accusation that Jah'Drago had used his flame on one of the little eaglets.

Quicker than you could say "liar, liar, pants on fire!" a conclave of executive eagles was called in to strip Jah'Draco of all rank and honors, denounce his name and have him forever banned from the Hill Mountain range.

Jah'Draco was stunned. The unjustice of the situation was overwhelming and the knowledge that one of the other birds, even if it was Jon'Jiggle, had borne false witness against, him was very painful. The buzzards, craness, hawks, and even the condors of Glass Eerie all shunned Jah'Draco. They pretended he no longer existed.

Jah'Draco had an old friend however, Sah'Draco who listened carefully to what happened and said he was astounded that Jah'Draco did not see the key to proving Jon'Jiggle had lied on him. Jah'Draco was puzzled. "What do you mean sir?" he asked. The elder dragon laughed, and started pointing out the glaring inconsistencies and illogical allegations one by one.

Encouraged for the first time in seemingly ages, Jah'Draco thanked Sah'Draco and then he took to the skies with one powerful push from his pinions. He was in search of the Wise Owl ally he knew was able to come to Jah'Draco's aid and help to clear the young dragon's name.

On the plains and foothills that bordered the Hill Mountain Range, animals big and small took flight as the meancing shadow of Jah'Draco slid across the landscape below him. But the dragon was not hunting this day, not for ground game anyway. As he beat his wings steadily toward the horizon, Jah'Draco was mentally preparing to dance with the eagles.

(to be continued...)