Saturday, May 06, 2006


Guess I didn't want to get left out of what appears to be a slew of bloggers shedding old skins for new ones. In my case, it seemed particularly apropos since I'm like shedding a whole damned career or something. And finding a snugger fit in a new one.

(Props to TJ for pointing me to the skin I settled on, after making a few minor modifications to the template. I put the screenshot to the right there for that perspective within a perspective, like when you hold a small mirror right under your chin, while standing in front of a larger mirror. [Everyone has done that, right?] Overall, the inset gives me a 'fuller feel' for this skin's appearance.)

The new skin doesn't permit quite the same level of control I enjoyed with the previous template, or maybe I just got really used to the latter after modifying it so much. Not all that in love with this new one yet either, (It feels so dry) but it will either grow on me or I'll do some more modifications to change the flavor of the background image, give it more "warmth"

But for now, the look is new and different and maybe friends' feedback will say it's a better look than I'm crediting it (the last one was rather Spartan.) On other notes, the open mic went great, minus a little ego problem between a couple of the 'band' members; people are showing love for JD, my new pet dragon; my winter fat is melting off very satisfyingly and the lilacs are smelling absolutely divine.

Somebody tell me again why I'm supposed to be in a shitty mood? I keep forgetting... Must be all these ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...