Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sag Forecast 5/10/06

Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Quickie: You know what needs to be done, so you need to do it today -- the sooner the better.
Overview: It's time to stop, look and listen. Inquire about the thoughts of someone who might be feeling railroaded by recent events. Not only will they appreciate your consideration, but also you might learn something pretty useful.
Daily extended (by
Everything is easy as pie today, and it will be smooth sailing as long as you put an end to your procrastination! If you can, battle the boring stuff (chores, errands, bill paying) right at the start of the day. Don't leave tasks undone. Once you get things done, you'll be free to enjoy the carefree nature of the rest of the day. Focus on fun stuff and avoid any conflicts or boundary pushing. Splurge on a spontaneous purchase that leaves you smiling again and again.

This kind of forecast only makes me stop and wonder "What the -? Why do I bother?"

Yet, as often as they miss by a mile, these quaint little bubbles of what might be strike eerily close to the mark. So, for that reason, I'll take the bite and put the ponder on this one.

I know what must be done... the sooner the better...
Hmmm... technically speaking, I am procrastinating on something that might be rather important. It's a legal issue... but I really don't want to 'rock the boat' just yet... I'll definitely have to meditate on that one.

Inquire about the thoughts of someone who might be feeling railroaded by recent events... they will appreciate... you might learn something pretty useful...
I think I've done a good job not letting internal anger make me blind and deaf to those around me, but I can't say I've noticed anyone in my circle (exception self) who feels "railroaded by recent events." So, what happens here? I listen to myself(?), show appreciation and learn from the process? Yep. Sounds like meditation to me.

The Daily Extended is even more confusing...
...put an end to your procrastination...
Clearly, someone has confused today with yesterday. Unless, again, we focus on the legal thing.
Focus on fun stuff... avoid conflicts or boundary pushing
What's that all about? I've been avoiding people, mate.

Splurge on a spontaneous purchase that leaves you smiling again and gain.
I believe the chat term for how this left me is: ROFLMMFAO. Translation? "Rolling On Floor Laughing My MotherFucking Ass Off."

There you go. If these forecasts are good for nothing else, it's a new way to get the joke of the day.