Tuesday, May 16, 2006

State of the Illusion (AND POEM)

Last night, I listened to George Bush when he did his thing on TV. Am I the only person alarmed by the stuff he was talking about making into law? The phrase "biological identification" when he was talking about the new ID cards for immigrant workers sent chills up my spine. Sure, fingerprints today, but tomorrow it will be retina scans, DNA samples and tatooed bar codes on the skin. Welcome to Geoge Orwell's 1984, only a generation late.

Immigration control measures was the topic, and there was a not-so-subtle 'anti-terrorist' message between each and every line. We're going to set up video camera's along 2,000 miles of our southern border, double the staff of Border Patrol and use National Guardsmen to supplement border control "especially in urban areas." Okaaaaaay.

Don't get me wrong - I believe terrorism is a very evil thing and should be stamped out. But I don't think we need to sacrifice half of our Constitutional Rights to make that happen. Nevertheless, that's where we appear to be headed, as anyone with open eyes can see.

I want to write about two things this morning, and then I'm done (for now). I want to discuss the 'Two Americas' and 'Thesis to Synthesis.'

During the Lyndon B. Johnson administration, when Civil Rights was thrust upon the American consciousness as a serious issue, it was stated that there were "two separate and unequal Americas, one Black and one White."

This proclamation of a reality diametric to the principles of Democracy hit the citizenry hard and became a catalyst for many changes, but not all were good. For example, Segregation ended the need for Blacks to sometimes walk for blocks to find a place to use the bathroom or get a drink of water, but it also destroyed black commerce in many (formerly) thriving communities. Even World-Famous Harlem saw a long period of blight until its recent Rennaisance.

Unfortunately, the "Two Americas" thing was only partly true, but mostly hype. There were, indeed, many inequities in how ethnic groups were received and how much support they could expect from the government, but the real divisions were (and remain) issues concerning (financial status) class, as opposed to ethnicity.

But think for a minute. Let's say you're a gorilla in a banana tree and you're dominating the branch with the biggest, sweetest bananas. Naturally, the other apes are trying to dislodge you from your position so they can get that fruit. Would it not be in your best interest to make those swarming simians believe that a different gorilla really had the best branch? By the same token, if you were a powerful human being in society, hoarding wealth and other resources to the disadvantage of others, wouldn't it be in your best interest to blame someone else for hoarding those resources?

You would even CONSPIRE to make sure you were perceived in a light that was more conducive to your safety and to preserve your position of advantage, wouldn't you? Don't lie to yourself! I'm altruistic, but I think I would do it, too. It's called Human Nature, unfortunately...

You just have to trust me on this one, but if you think about it with your inner mind, you'll see the truth.

Thesis: "A proposition that is maintained by argument." Okay, so the unknown richest person on Earth sits at a poker table with some other filthy rich mofos and says: "Hey this world is getting too wide open with technology and stuff. Information is too free and people are learning too much about our clandestine agenda. We need bigger and more powerful security forces, just in case the people we oppress start thinking they should rise up to throw us off."

Antithesis: "a) Sharply contrasting ideas are juxtaposed; b) The second and contrasting part of such a juxtaposition." Okay, so now another power mogul in that dark, smokey room says: "But the people will never stand for increased police forces without a reason that they believe is valid. How can we make them believe they NEED this?"

Synthesis: "a) Reasoning from the general to the particular; logical deduction; b) The combination of thesis and antithesis in the Hegelian dialectical process." Make them fear the alternative. Fear makes idiots of most people, so destroy the greatest landmark in the greatest city on Earth and see what happens. (Hint: Watch the tape of the WTC 'explosion' in slo-mo. Ask any engineer under what circumstances a burning building, supposedly on the verge of collapse, would RISE a foot or two before collapsing upon itself; and do so in as neat a pancaked pile as one could hope for with a building that stands 110 stories tall.)

You want to build stockpiles of nuclear weapons? Tell The People that the other guy is doing it, so we must do it too to maintain a Balance of Power. Want to circumvent the Privacy Act of 1974 to spy on U.S. citizens? Tell The People anybody could be a terrorist and we'll all die if everybody isn't watched closely. You want to corner the oil market? Tell The People that the world's top oil-producing nation is a terrorist hotbead that also harbors weapons of mass distruction. If The People ask: "What Terrorists? We never get terroirized!" then destroy a couple national landmarks to drive the point home a little deeper. Then 'retaliate' with an attack against a weaker neighbor, to prime your troops and get public war-fever support behind you. Now you're almost ready to be King.

(Oh, and while you're occupying that first country, build a thousand-mile oil pipeline to get off-shore oil from Eastern Seas to Persian Gulf refineries - it will save you millions in tanker transport. Never mind the fact that this small country denied you the right to build that pipeline before you conquered it, what they desire no longer matters and your own environmentalist won't have a problem with a pipeline half the world away from your own natural wildlife areas.)

But before you totally get things squared away in that country, go after that #1 Oil Producer with all you've got. Even if that newly-colonized nation's oil wells are out of commission, burning with unbelievably hot fires, you can still sell your Texas Oil at a premium, a bigger premium tahn anyone ever imagined.

Who knows, with a little luck a hurricane or something might take out the Louisiana oil refiners and your Texas product will make you BILLIONS. After all, when you can make that kind of financial killing, what's a little human killing (a measley three-or-four hundred thousand - mostly foreign - mostly "Sand Niggers") to you? And The People? Oh, don't worry about them -- their a bunch of networked numbed idiots. Those who do raise a red flag will be disregarded and called "eccentric."

And now I'm done. The world is being led to Hell and most of us are sitting around with our thumbs up our asses, re-electing the same evil principals that are fucking shit up in the first place. But because we inwardly want to believe our country is so goddamned 'goody-two-shoes' we don't think Uncle Same is capable of supporting such savagery.

Think again. Think about 30 million Native Americans who practically vanished over a period of seven generations, 80 million Africans finding death on the Middle Passage and through terrorist practices after settling (as chattel) in this land during much of the same time period; think about 100,000 citizens of Hiroshima baking in a nuclear furnace, think about the George Bush Sr.-led CIA opening our borders to massive cocaine smuggling and skimming of the top to support war in Central America, think about 400 Black men at an Alabama hospital being deliberately untreated for a deadly venereal disease so doctors could observe what the hell happens.

Danger! Frustration Overload Level is Approaching!

Fuck that border bullshit being used as an excuse to advance the Police State principle. Fuck thinking widespread use of video technology in one area won't eventually crush privacy principles in another area. Fuck George W. Goddamned Bush and the ugly hag that bore him and the ferret faced fucker that fathered him. And if you want to believe you're a goddamned Goodie-Two-Shoes in a land of unblemished foot apparel? THEN FUCK YOU, TOO, BEACUSE YOU'RE PART OF THE GODDAMNED PROBLEM!

Sorry, my temper is overcoming my articulation, so I leave you with a poem I wrote last year, while thinking along these same lines, but in a more serene state of mind:


Outside rages a violent storm; it seems no place is safe and warm
Inside is the Universe - Space without space, Form without form
Rant and rave as you will; plunder lie rape and kill
No Ripple disturbs the pool within. My Soul is calm and still

All around is Chaos, dark and insane, sharp hail stones and windswept rain
Inside is the eye of the hurricane; Third Eye peering through the mind’s windowpane
Found here is perfection, cosmic song; harmonic vibration, clear and strong
Time means nothing. A second last ten thousand years long

Earthly powers profit on projecting mass confusion
Each day it’s harder to tell the real from the illusion
Judgment day will come in fire, as bombs blast and tanks roll
But invincible stands my spirit and no ripple troubles my soul

By Jahaka Mindstorm
© 2005 All Rights Reserved

And finally this: Every time somebody fucks with you on a high level (maybe so high you can't even see it), it gives the green light for those at lower levels to fuck with you as well.

Let me know when you're tired of being fucked over and maybe something can be done about it. Meanwhile, don't sit on that thumb too hard. You may find a use for it one day.